Cercophora samala CBS 307.81 Minimal Draft
Cercophora samala belongs to the family Podosporaceae of the order Sordariales. First identified as a widespread coprophilous fungus, it is also believed to be endophytic and has also been identified in soil. It is closely related to Podospora anserina, a species used as a model in many laboratories. Strain CBS 307.81 was isolated from cow dung near Yaita, Japan. The sequenced isolate is a homokaryon carrying a mating type homologous to the mat- locus of Podospora anserina derived from the original heterokaryon.
Hartmann, F. E., S. L. Ament-Velásquez, et al. (2021). "Size Variation of the Nonrecombining Region on the Mating-Type Chromosomes in the Fungal Podospora anserina Species Complex." Molecular Biology and Evolution 38(6): 2475-2492.
Udagawa, S. and T. Muroi (1979). "Coprophilous Pyrenomycetes from Japan V." Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 20: 453-468.
Vouffo, E. D., Douanla-Meli, C., Awantu, A. F., Lenta, B. N., Ngouela, S., Tsamo, E., & Laatsch, H. (2021). “New Metabolites From the Endophytic Fungus Cercophora samala Associated With Mitragyna inermis.” Natural Product Communications, 16(5), 1934578X211013220.
Genome Reference(s)
Hensen N, Bonometti L, Westerberg I, Brännström IO, Guillou S, Cros-Aarteil S, Calhoun S, Haridas S, Kuo A, Mondo S, Pangilinan J, Riley R, LaButti K, Andreopoulos B, Lipzen A, Chen C, Yan M, Daum C, Ng V, Clum A, Steindorff A, Ohm RA, Martin F, Silar P, Natvig DO, Lalanne C, Gautier V, Ament-Velásquez SL, Kruys Å, Hutchinson MI, Powell AJ, Barry K, Miller AN, Grigoriev IV, Debuchy R, Gladieux P, Hiltunen Thorén M, Johannesson H
Genome-scale phylogeny and comparative genomics of the fungal order Sordariales.
Mol Phylogenet Evol. 2023 Oct 10;189():107938. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2023.107938