Diatoms are eukaryotic microalgae that play major roles in both
the global carbon and silica cycles. They are largely distinguished
by their silicified cell walls or “frustules”, which
display a wide variety of shapes and nanostructures, depending on
the species.
Entomoneis is a genus of raphid, pennate diatoms with a
broad distribution in primarily marine and brackish environments. A
notable feature of these diatoms is their relatively complex
frustule morphology, including raised, bilobed keels on each valve
face upon which the sigmoid-shaped raphe slit runs.
The sequenced strain, Entomoneis sp. UTEX 11IV18-2A FL,
was originally isolated from Long Lake in Everglades National Park
in April 2018 by researchers from the UTEX culture collection. The
isolation site is a shallow, coastal, mangrove lake with highly
variable salinity.