Info • Soil Fungi Meta*omics Reference
Within the framework of the CSP project 'Metatranscriptomics of Forest Soil Ecosystems', we are aiming to explore the interaction of forest trees with communities of soil fungi, including ectomycorrhizal symbionts that dramatically affect bioenergy-relevant plant growth, and saprotrophic soil fungi impacting carbon sequestration in forests. We are sequencing the metatranscriptome of soil fungi in ecosystems representative of major Earth ecosystems, the boreal, temperate and mediterranean forests. We are also sequencing the genome of the most abundant fungal species harvested on studied sites to serve as the foundation for a reference database for metagenomics of fungi and for a comprehensive survey of the potential soil fungal metabolome.
## Name Assembly Length # Genes Published
1 Abortiporus biennis CCBS 521 v1.0 45,165,060 11,987
2 Antrodia sinuosa LB1 v1.0 30,168,058 11,327
3 Atractiellales rhizophila PMI 95 v2.0 51,470,471 17,606
4 Chalara longipes BDJ v1.0 52,432,785 19,765 Barbi F et al., 2020
5 Corynespora cassiicola CCP v1.0 44,846,156 17,166 Lopez D et al., 2018
6 Glomerella acutata (Colletotrichum fioriniae MH 18) v1.0 50,035,977 15,777
7 Glomerella cingulata 23 (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides 23) v1.0 58,838,139 18,975
8 Gymnopus androsaceus JB14 v1.0 89,149,538 29,375 Barbi F et al., 2020
9 Hydnum rufescens UP504 v2.0 67,135,451 18,665 Miyauchi S et al., 2020
10 Hymenoscyphus varicosporoides PMI_453 v1.0 48,242,133 14,929
11 Ilyonectria europaea PMI82 v1.0 63,663,791 22,250 Liao HL et al., 2019
12 Ilyonectria robusta PMI_751 v1.0 59,648,482 20,499
13 Laetiporus sulphureus var. sulphureus v1.0 39,916,888 13,774 Nagy LG et al., 2016
14 Macrolepiota fuliginosa MF-IS2 v1.0 46,396,944 15,801 Ruiz-Dueñas FJ et al., 2021
15 Marasmius fiardii PR-910 v1.0 59,447,912 17,098 Miyauchi S et al., 2020
16 Mortierella elongata AG-77 v2.0 49,863,165 14,969 Uehling J et al., 2017
17 Mycena galopus ATCC-62051 v1.0 211,361,780 49,694 Miyauchi S et al., 2020
18 Neolentinus lepideus v1.0 35,640,188 13,164 Nagy LG et al., 2016
19 Onnia scaura P-53A v1.0 37,098,055 12,895
20 Panus rudis PR-1116 ss-1 v1.0 36,358,364 13,568 Hage H et al., 2021
21 Polyporus arcularius v1.0 43,452,342 17,525 Varga T et al., 2019
22 Ramaria rubella (R. acris) UT-36052-T v1.0 105,462,249 19,287 Miyauchi S et al., 2020
23 Trichaptum abietinum L-15831 v1.0 40,609,032 14,978
24 Tuber borchii Tbo3840 v1.0 97,184,993 12,346 Murat C et al., 2018